A oto kolejny wpis mojego męża: Nostalgia to coś, co się sprzedaje. Wyidealizowana wersja lat 80-tych (tylko raczej tych rodem z USA, a nie tych rodzimych z PRL) rozpala wyobraźnię marketingowców chcących jeszcze raz zarobić na tym samym. Z drugiej strony sami chcemy przypomnieć sobie dzieciństwo, pokazać je naszym dzieciom, lub odbić sobie, że kiedyśWięcej oPiBoy DMG[…]
Tag: #raspberrypi
After installation of HomeAssistant on RaspberryPI Zero using this tutorial: https://www.home-assistant.io/hassio/installation using Virtual appliance, I have installed following Addons: „SSH&Terminal” „Samba share” Afterwards I needed to create my own Addon as it was shown in this Addon for MariaDB: https://github.com/home-assistant/hassio-addons/tree/master/mariadb Following this tutorial : https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/add-ons/tutorial/ I have created my own Addon for ActianZen. The clueWięcej oSmartHome – how to add ActianZenDB as Addon and your main database in HomeAssistant[…]
Our „SmartHome” installation will consist of following software: HomeAssistant as virtual appliance on RaspberryPi ActianZen as database engine with database located on externaly connected hardrive (which was reused from one of our laptops ;)) configuration files of HomeAssistant will be also stored on that external hardrive – just in case backups will be done eitherWięcej oSmartHome – software[…]
Robot was built and we were wandering around home thinking what challange could be next to get more familiar with IoT and how to use RaspberryPI. I have watched several webinars about usage of IoT and technologies around that. The most interesting was the one about technologies used in Azure Cloud lead by chmurowisko.pl. ForWięcej oSmartHome – new idea[…]
A to kolejny wpis mojego męża: Zacznijmy od tego – czym jest pi hole? Pi hole to prywatny DNS z opcją filtrowania adresów kojarzonych z reklamami. Po co to komu w czasach AdBlocka? Otóż adblock nie jest niestety doskonały – po pierwsze jest wykrywany przez różne strony, które potem serwują nam żebrozasłonę z tekstem “przecieżWięcej oPi hole – blokowanie reklam w Twoim domu.[…]
This contest took part almost one month ago so it is the highest time to write down my impressions. This time it was online event. We watched all of the streamings on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, starting from 25th of September. We watched set of very interesting presentations from SKALP society and very amusing andWięcej oRaspberryPI – project for „Baltic Robo Battles” – impressions after the contest[…]
A oto znów gościnny wpis mojego męża: Co zrobić, gdy mamy do dyspozycji stary (ale jary) monitor i głęboko zakorzenioną miłość do gier i sprzętu z lat 90-tych? Bardzo dużo różnych i przydatnych rzeczy, ale ja rzuciłem się na Retropie… Początkowy projekt zakładał użycie starego, 15 calowego i 15 letniego monitora MAG (jeden z pierwszychWięcej oRetropie[…]
And here are first attempts of making robot to detect obstacles:
Here is our final presentation for this year’s Baltic Robo Battles:
It took me a while to figure out on how to connect from my Android cellphone to ActianZenDB. This time standard tutorial from Actian didn’t work at all. I even asked for help on Actian forum – but somehow advices given there didn’t work for me: https://communities.actian.com/s/question/0D5f300005fQJQ5CAO/problem-with-connecting-from-android-cellphone-xiomi-redmi-note7-to-btrieve-database-on-windows-10-server However after reading half of ActianZen Help, finallyWięcej oRaspberryPI – project for „Baltic Robo Battles” 15 – Android app[…]