Tag: #linux
Here is short description of what I was doing at work among other things for last 10 days. The idea was simple – fix Linux cluster, which crashed after switching to other node. This cluster consists only of two nodes with following software running on: Apache webserver postgreSQL ActianX client HVR After reviewing this installationWięcej oCentos cluster with HVR and Actian DB[…]
install Centos on VirtualBox machine vagrant init/centos7 In order to login to machine via putty with password authentication in Vagrantfile add: ” config.ssh.username = 'vagrant’ config.ssh.password = 'vagrant’ config.ssh.insert_key = 'false’ ” vagrant up login to host and change in /etc/ssh/sshd_config PasswordAuthentication=yes restart sshd deamon service sshd restart download Oracle components – as root 1.preinstallerWięcej oHow to install Oracle XE on Centos7[…]
Here I gather my knowledge of Linux/AIX/*nix systems. Here you find some helpful links for systems based on *nix OS: 0. how to become sysadmin;P commands cheetsheet: 2. Centos tutorials: 3. Debian 4. Unix It is no longer used OS, but it is worth to know as it is the basis for allWięcej oLinux/Unix/AIX cheetsheet[…]