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Kategoria: C#
1. Lambda expressions var x=Square(5);//jak zapisac do zmiennej funkcje? – uzywamy delegaty, czyli robimy tak://delegata -klasa,ktora okresla typ zmiennej//a)gotowe implementacje dla funkcji,ktore zwracaja wart//b)gotowe impelmentacje dla funkcji typu voidFunc function= //typ wejsciowy oraz typ wyjsciowynumber => number*number; //tutaj uzywamy wyrazenie lambda Action action=(text,number)=>{Console.WriteLine($”{text},{number}”);}; var x1=function(5); public static void LogToConsole(string text,int number){Console.WriteLine($”{text},{number}”);} public static int Square(intWięcej oC# 6 course[…]
What is collection?Data structure, used when we want to operate on group or set of data with vary length. Table, list, loop foreachA)Table – special kind of collection with const length var array = new int[10]; //rozmiar tablicy: 10var array1 = new int[] {1,2,3,45,56 };//automatycznie ustawiona wielkosc tablicy na:5 3. tables are indexedWięcej oC# course 5[…]
DDD – domain driven design Interfacea) definition it is like a contract: contains declarations of methods and fields, which must be implemented by class which uses this interface interface has public decalrations of methods-methods don’t have a body public interface IEquatable{bools Equals(T obj);} b)example: //definiujemy interfejs w osobnym pliku public interface IDatabase { voidWięcej oC# course 4[…]
Several usefull things: A. Piotr Gankiewicz C# course : How to load external library in VisualStudio: using Nutget in VisualStudio interesting library : EntityFrameWork – ORM for C# C. Your own DLL is created with project: ClassLibrary in VisualStudio D. Documentation Autogenerator – Swagger (the same as for php): Access modificators in classpublicWięcej oC# course 3[…]
Funkcje w C# – weird syntax, but works: 2. Classes and objects Class – it is like schema or template Object – indivdual of chosen class (like presentation in PowerPoint acc. to chosen PowerPoint template;)) 3. How to define class: namespace ConsoleApp2{class Student{ //here are defined fields //… //getters and setters //here are defined methodsWięcej oC# course 2[…]
2. How to check .N Core version in cmd line: dotnet –version 2. first program using System;namespace ConsoleApp1{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){//komentarz…Console.WriteLine(„Hello World!”);Console.ReadLine();}}} 3. logical operands //&& – and // || – or 4. comments //komentarz… //Console.WriteLine(„Hello World!”); 5. integers 6. boolean 7. double/decimal (used for Money precision) 8. strings and operations in strings 9.Więcej oC# course 1[…]