I have the oppportunity recently to learn this AI solution. I was watching some video materials about IBM Watson in December-and then I thought that it was tremendous technology. Just watch this marketing video: It looks so easy and having lots of possibilities… Then at work I had a chance to play with IBM WatsonWięcej oIBM Watson Explorer – first impression[…]
Kategoria: Bussiness Intelligence
According to EDUCBA.com: My opinion: After playing with PowerBI and Tableau for 2 weeks, I must admit, that tutorials for Tableau are much better than for PowerBI. Easiness of usage and publishing data to server is much simpler in Tableau. Tableau has more connectors than PowerBI. Pricing model seems to be more simple and affordableWięcej oTableau vs PowerBI[…]
Tutorial z Microsoftu: https://docs.microsoft.com/pl-pl/power-bi/guided-learning/ Dokumentacja: https://docs.microsoft.com/pl-pl/power-bi/#pivot=home&panel=home-all DAX – składnia i przykłady https://www.udemy.com/power-bi-master-class-data-modelling-and-dax-formulas/ 10 Useful Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) Functions for Power BI Beginners Licencjonowanie: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/calculator/
Microsoft SQL Server 2. Oracle 3. PostgresSQL 4. Analityk danych
Tutorial: Further overview: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRaCRJbQmpa6BOa_5UCKv7w
Statystyka: http://www.naukowiec.org/wzory/statystyka.html Histogram Histogram jest najpopularniejszym sposobem przedstawienia rozkładu empirycznego cechy. Rozkład empiryczny oznacza rozkład otrzymany na podstawie danych – empiryczny, znaczy doświadczalny. Interpretacja histogramu Histogram służy do analizy zbiorowość, co oznacza, że jesteśmy w stanie odpowiedzieć m.in. na pytania: który przedział jest najliczniejszy (określenie dominanty) czy rozkład jest symetryczny czy może asymetryczny / skośny.Więcej o„The Bussiness Intelligence Analyst Course” – Statystyka[…]
In Polish: In English: https://www.phocassoftware.com/business-intelligence-blog Microsoft PowerBI: https://www.altkomakademia.pl/szkolenia/analyzing-data-with-power-bi/ BI in Omnitracker: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_TcW4-6hdVxN8vnIZrAkw
After attending to Infoshare conference this year I had the feeling that all buzzwords, which were presented there I have already heard somewhere. BigData analysis in fact could be done by well known statistics functions, which I learned 15 years ago during my studies. Machine Learning – all algorithms were known then as well, evenWięcej oMachine Learning, AI – some of my thoughts[…]
Here will be some arguments of usage of Bussiness Intelligence for flight aviation: BI Lufthansa Systems Hungaryhttps://www.computerweekly.com/news/450420730/Lufthansa-Systems-crowdfunds-BI-to-mine-flight-data AI in aviation:https://www.mindtitan.com/case/artificial-intelligence-in-aviation-and-travel/ https://www.altexsoft.com/blog/datascience/7-ways-how-airlines-use-artificial-intelligence-and-data-science-to-improve-their-operations/ Lufthansa Systems AI used to minimize flight delays: https://www.lhsystems.com/article/artificial-intelligence-ai-paving-way-more-efficiency-digital-aviation Machine Learning:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/machine-learning-airline-industry-next-step-akash-bajpai/ Machine Learning – publicationhttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/325964700_A_Comparative_Study_of_Machine_Learning_Techniques_for_Aviation_Applications