After fixing chasis – fortunatelly it turned out that there were only disconected cables, steering started working. Unfortunatelly after first detection tests I found out that food is not recognized at all. No matter whether it was picture of food or real food on plate-nothing was returned from YOLO detector. It was obvious that modelWięcej oBaltic Robbo Battles – training model to be able to recognize food and non-food[…]
Kategoria: Baltic Robo Battles 2021
A oto wpis autorstwa mojego męża: Po mniej więcej dwóch miesiącach pracy mojego najnowszego dziecka postanowiłem popełnić małą aktualizację. Zacznijmy od najważniejszego – od strony elektromechanicznej nic jak do tej pory się nie wysypało i nie było podstaw do przeróbek. No w zasadzie poza jedną… Odbywało się to mniej więcej tak – miałem pewne drobneWięcej oSmart home – krew ciągle pierwsza plus kilka kropel.[…]
Unfortunately this year’s edition of this contest was cancelled. However we prepared several presentations, which we would like to share: For sure we will participate in next year’s edition. Meanwhile all of our robots will be improved and enhanced with new functionalities. Stay tuned!
I encountered very interesting problem while using driver for servo of my robot chasis. As TensorFlow requires python 3.7 I had to rewrite our steering robot program to use python3.7. It seemed to be easy as peace of cake, but then to my surprise I discovered that motor doesn’t work at all in python3.7 andWięcej oBaltic Robbo Battles – RaspberryPI – servo driver PCA9685 on python3[…]
Smart home – pierwsza krew Artykuł autorstwa mojego męża: Są takie dni w życiu każdego mężczyzny, kiedy mówi sobie – „kurwa nie chce mi się tego robić”. Takie też i było moje podejście do tego projektu, więc od chwili gdy pojawił się koncept, do chwili wdrożenia go (jak na razie jako tako) w życie minęłoWięcej oSmart Home – automatyczne otwieranie okien[…]
This time approach is different – to use ready-to use model on RaspberryPI and try to detect objects. I followed this tutorial: and this tutorial was also helpful during installation of TensorFlow on RaspberryPI: and here are my steps: install required components on RaspberryPI – Python 3.7.1 ,Tensorflow 2.2.0, Keras,OpenCV: When I hadWięcej oBaltic Robbo Battles 2021 – object detection and classification – next round[…]
After reading this article, it was obvious for me to use YOLO CCN to detect objects on pic and use MobileNet model to classify them. I used follwoing Github repo. I have built docker image and tried to run it. After taking pictures of several types of food in my home I usedWięcej oBaltic Robbo Battles 2021 – object detection and classification[…]
I always thought that installing Docker is difficult. Maybe it is – for Linux, but for Windows it is super easy. Here are the steps: install desktop docker from this site install debian or another your favourite Linux distro from Microsoft Store additionaly install linux kernel-update-package from this site—download-the-linux-kernel-update-package And voila! You haveWięcej oBaltic Robbo Battles 2021 – how to install docker in Windows[…]
As new year come and we have some more free time in summer, we again decided to participate in BalticRobbo Battles. This year we will start with 3 robots – 2 kids robots. One will be based on Lego Boost, the second will be made of carton and third one – RaspberryPI with chasis. ThereWięcej oBaltic Robbo Battles 2021 – introduction[…]