Again thanks to ActianCommunity, finally I found simple solution described here:
to make it working also on Raspbian you have to issue following cmds :
(as zen-svc)
dsnadd -dsn=demo -db=Demodata -host=magda
(as root)
cat /usr/local/actianzen/etc/odbc.ini >> ./odbc.ini
cat /usr/local/actianzen/etc/odbcinst.ini >> ./odbcinst.ini
Install also pyodbc library (as root):
apt-cache search odbc | grep python
apt-get install python-pyodbc
and now using this simple python script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pyodbc
dsn="Driver={Pervasive ODBC Interface};ServerName=magda;DBQ=Demodata"
cnxn = pyodbc.connect(dsn)
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
rows = cursor.fetchall()
print ("Tables found in DSN=%s :" % dsn)
for row in rows:
print row.table_name
I can acces my Windows DB and use SQL queries on it!
Remember to create ODBC connection to your ActianZen DB on Windows Server using this: