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RaspberryPI – project for „Baltic Robo Battles” 2

RaspberryPI – project for „Baltic Robo Battles” 2

Blogpost by my husband: Robot Wars part IV A new Hope. An old undercarriage of the robot cannot serve its purpose anymore. One of the motors started to jam a bit and began to show its humors. Neither threats or humiliating it helped. Also cleaning the gearbox (it was already clean), checking the electrical connections,Więcej oRaspberryPI – project for „Baltic Robo Battles” 2[…]

RaspberryPI – project for "Baltic Robo Battles"

RaspberryPI – project for "Baltic Robo Battles"

Unfortunatelly last year we didn’t have time to take part in Baltic Robo Battless as participants, but this year we have strong decision to finally participate in that event.This year we would like to take part in this contest as family project in category „FreeStyle”. The contest will be in the second half of MayWięcej oRaspberryPI – project for "Baltic Robo Battles"[…]

Sieć ad hoc

Sieć ad hoc

Krótki opis sieci Ad hoc (typu peer to peer): https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sie%C4%87_ad_hoc Jak zestawić: https://www.tp-link.com/pl/support/faq/219/ Połączenie z RaspaberryPI: zestawienie sieci netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=raspaberry_wifi key=mypasswd netsh wlan start hostednetwork 2. szukamy, pod jakim dynamicznym IP rezyduje RaspaberryPI: for /l %i in (1,1,254) do ping -n 1 169.254.242.%i odpalic cmd:ping raspberrypi 3. wziac ip i sieWięcej oSieć ad hoc[…]