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PhantomJS – headless webbrowser

PhantomJS – headless webbrowser

For rendering Javascript pages in cmd line in Linux/Windows without GUI: https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs It works similar to headless Chrome, but it doesn’t require installation as root. This software can be used for testing sites or as aim for IBM Watson Explorer/ ElasticSearch engine to crawl sites entirely written in Javascript. It renders Javascript page and returnsWięcej oPhantomJS – headless webbrowser[…]



As one of my task is also learning TIBCO EMS – here are my notes. You can expect more one this topic;) TIBCO Messaging provides components to support messaging / communications. From high-performance (millions of messages a second) to low latency (sub-microsecond delivery) to fully transactional enterprise-class distribution, streaming data and open source support.Components ofWięcej oTIBCO[…]