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Monitoring levels

Monitoring levels

originally published on bulldogjob.pl Check what can be monitored, how to do it effectively and how to arrange it to draw conclusions easily. IT monitoring is a systematic measurement and observation of the IT environment, giving a picture of how infrastructure, systems and applications work. The monitored parameters relate to a physically or logically separatedWięcej oMonitoring levels[…]

Wiedźmin (The Witcher)

Wiedźmin (The Witcher)

Recently I had an opportunity to see musical „Wiedźmin” in Musial Theatre in Gdynia and then afterwards the whole season of Netflix „The Witcher”. Herewith are my impressions, but before I start I would like to recall one of my remembrance. Hardly anyone remembers that the first film adaptation of the Sapkowski novel „Wiedźmin” wasWięcej oWiedźmin (The Witcher)[…]